How to Review Your Survey Report

After your survey is completed with your audience, a survey report will be created that includes an analysis of key findings and summarizes the survey results. 

This guide provides explanations of the main sections in your report, and also includes suggestions for how you can use the information to improve your website, campaigns, and programs.


The Overview contains general information about the survey and how it was conducted. This is where you will find dates how long the survey was active and a count of how many people participated. This information is provided for your reference so you can accurately recall and share your results.


The Demographics section contains insights about who your survey audience is and where they are located. 

Depending on how your survey was distributed, these demographics may not represent your actual website audience. For example, if you’ve shared the survey only with members of your staff, those individuals may be more familiar with your general website audience. 

For this reason, your report results should be considered in combination with other available metrics to learn more about how other specific groups of people view your website and organization. This can be helpful when determining which groups to target with different types of promotional efforts.

Level of Engagement

The Level of Engagement section includes information about how and why your audience is connecting with your organization. 

The questions analyzed for this section will be specific to your website, but depending on the survey, this could also include information about programs, social media, emails, and campaigns.

Knowing why users are coming to your website or what other ways they are connecting with your organization can offer a lot of direction for future marketing efforts. For instance, if your results show that your audience is not very familiar with the various programs you offer, you should see it as an opportunity to launch new campaigns or write blog posts to increase awareness of those programs. 

Website Use

This section contains information about Visit Frequency and Website Ease of Use. This is where you will find insights about how often people are visiting your website and any issues they encounter there. 

Understanding the frequency of website visits can help you plan how often you want to update your content, such as how often you want to refresh homepage features or post new blog posts. Learning about the issues people are having when using your website will guide your efforts in improving your website design and structure.

Additional User Insights

Clients often include questions in their survey that are important to their organization, but that don’t necessarily fit into the other listed results categories. All of these results and comments will be detailed in this section. Since this is a variable category, the relevance of the information will be detailed in the report.


This section will summarize the overall findings of your survey and will contain any additional insights and recommendations from the analysis. Generally, this is also where you will find answers to any specific questions you asked about your survey results.

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