How to Review Your Content Drafts

After studying your content needs and reviewing and editing our own content drafts, our content team will organize your content drafts in Google documents and will deliver them to you for your first round of review. 

Our goal is to create content that is as “website ready” as possible, so we want you to review your content with your website audience in mind. 

First, familiarize yourself with the content. 

Before you get too “in the weeds” with editing and reviewing, read through all of the content one time. This will help you familiarize yourself with our recommendations and the overall flow of content. 

Then, provide feedback/opinions on the flow. 

We want to make sure that the quality and the purpose of the content lines up with your expectations. As you read again, ask yourself questions like: 

  • Is the purpose and point of this content clear? 

  • Is the tone of the copy consistent with our brand, or does it need to be more or less formal? 

  • Does each section flow smoothly to the next? 

  • Does the copy align with and support other content on your site? Or does anything contradict other content?

  • Do you see your identified keywords in use throughout the page content?

Add comments to the copy for any broad sections that need to be reconsidered or discussed further. 

Next, focus on the details. 

You can expect that our experts will have already reviewed your content for proper formatting, spelling, and punctuation, but we want you to make sure that everything is as top-notch as we need it to be!

Please take time to focus on the smaller segments, sentences, and paragraphs. Ask questions like: 

  • Are all of these words accurate? Are there any words that I prefer using instead? 

  • Are these statements accurate? 

  • Do the headings and other highlighted text (like bolded sections or pull quotes) correctly demonstrate key points? 

  • Are there any other links that I want to make sure are added within the content?

Please add your feedback as suggestions or comments in the draft document. 

Finally, read through all of the content once more. 

Before you complete your review, we recommend that you read through all of the content, including your comments and feedback, once more. 

When your review is complete, let your Cornershop project team know! We’ll then apply edits and schedule additional time to discuss any particular questions if we need to.

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