Installing Media Deduper Pro

Note for users of MDD (free edition)

The best way to switch from the free Media Deduper to MDD Pro is to deactivate the free version, then activate the Pro version and reindex the Media Library. 

Media Deduper Pro indexes/tracks a lot more data than free does so the reindexing will be important to deduplicating your Media Library. Once Pro is active and running, we encourage you to delete the free version of the plugin.

To Install Media Deduper Pro

  1. Purchase Media Deduper Pro here.

  2. On the confirmation page, click the file name to download the plugin.

  3. On the confirmation page, copy your plugin license key from the License Keys section.

  4. Log into your WordPress site as an administrator.

  5. In the left sidebar, select Plugins > Add New.

  6. Click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page and select the .zip file that you downloaded from the confirmation page.

  7. A screen should display letting you know that the plugin was installed successfully. Click the Activate Plugin button.

To Enter Your License Key

  1. Log into your WordPress site as an administrator.

  2. In the left sidebar, select Media > Manage Duplicates.

  3. Click the License Key tab.

  4. Enter your copied plugin license key and click the Activate License button to save.

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