When you sign up for a support plan with Cornershop, we make sure that your site is receiving regular plugin and WordPress Core updates, and also setup automatic homepage scanning, security scanning, and uptime monitoring tools. These updates take place on Wednesdays, but may take place on Tuesdays or Mondays.
This helps us verify that your site is available and is as up-to-date as possible, but keep in mind our support team does not visit your website every single day. This means that we rely on you to regularly review your site content and features, and then contact us if you notice any issues that need to be addressed.
Our regular maintenance ensures that important updates happen as soon as possible — including security fixes that we don't want to delay in being implemented. Any delays in security fixes leave your site vulnerable to hacking, so these are the types of issues that we focus the most on.
We've created an automated page scan of your site's homepage (at minimum) to help us identify and troubleshoot any significant design/layout issues caused by plugin updates.
On the Maintenance-only plan, we scan and compare your homepage. If your site is on the Maintenance+Support plan, we scan and compare your homepage as well as two other pages as requested by you. (There is no hard limit to how many pages can be scanned - we just ask you be judicious in your requests.)
It's important to note that our visual comparison tools are automated. We're monitoring for any significant variations in the before+after snapshots, but minor changes to design and styling might not be caught by our automated comparison tool. Remember: no one knows your site better than you! It's best for you and for our team if we rely on you to let us know when the user experience or design of your site has been impacted by a plugin update.
Want to make sure you can keep a close eye on your site?
Many of our clients create recurring events as reminders to review their site content regularly, depending on what kinds of campaigns they have going on.
Interested in receiving your own automated options for scanning your site design and layout, or specific workflow?
Our team can customize a scan of particular pages for any changes, or can set up customized workflow testing to make sure a feature works as expected for a user. This is a completely custom service that needs to be configured and scripted for each individual website, so there is an additional cost to create more tests, but please email [email protected] and we'll gladly personalize a plan for you!